Jaaa... ich weiß eh das ich wieder regelmässiger schreiben muss aber ich bin ja immer noch in Vorarlberg.
Dafür gibts jetzt einige Details
Also, ich werd am 6. Juli (also gut einem Monat) abfliegen, und dann vorausichtlich 2 Jahre in Amerika bleiben. Mal sehen ob das mit dem Job klappt , wer also daumen übrig hat, oder mich in seinen Nachtgebeten einbinden will, nur zu
Ich erledig jetzt noch die letzten Dinge in Vorarlberg und dann nix wie weg hier
Aktueller Song: Peter Fox - Der letzte Tag
(Page 1 of 1, totaling 1 entries)
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
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Fri, 02.07.2010 14:37
Bin durch Zufall auf deinen Bl og gestoßen. Wünsche dir bei d einem Vorhaben [...]
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
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Sun, 28.03.2010 09:08
Super Strand - wow da wär man gerne mit von der Partie!
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/include/plugin_api.inc.php on line 998
Wed, 24.03.2010 22:21
what cheer -briskly - dont g ive o`ver - you´r beating in my mind - a [...]
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/include/plugin_api.inc.php on line 998
Tue, 23.03.2010 15:38
Wir wollen Fotos von Mary sehe n
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/include/plugin_api.inc.php on line 998
Mon, 22.03.2010 15:37
wia woar wia woar, ... a bizzl e sunna, und scho luagt alls v iel schönnar us
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/include/plugin_api.inc.php on line 998
Mon, 22.03.2010 09:19
klaro....da frühling zücht i i ns land, endlich isch da summr widr in reich [...]
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/include/plugin_api.inc.php on line 998
Mon, 22.03.2010 07:46
Soso, was hond den ihr scho wi eder vo mir denkt ? G nanana ..... glob i e [...]
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/include/plugin_api.inc.php on line 998
Thu, 18.03.2010 01:49
hallo, nach dieser langen send epause habe ich zuallerletzt etwas anderes [...]
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/include/plugin_api.inc.php on line 998
Tue, 16.03.2010 13:28
na, gott sei dank, mir hond sc ho viel schlimmeres befürchtet schöa, d [...]
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/include/plugin_api.inc.php on line 998
Wed, 06.01.2010 00:04
Nunja, keine Frage ist ... auc h keine Frage ?!? Aber ich s chlage vor das [...]
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/include/plugin_api.inc.php on line 998
Sun, 03.01.2010 21:03
keine antwort istauch eine an twort-
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/include/plugin_api.inc.php on line 998
Wed, 30.12.2009 16:10
abendveranstaltungen bitte per email bekanntgeben gilt auch für weihnach [...]
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/include/plugin_api.inc.php on line 998
Thu, 24.12.2009 12:20
ho-ho-hoo der weihnachtsmann kommt- oder doch -
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/include/plugin_api.inc.php on line 998
Thu, 24.12.2009 10:21
Hi Lukas, danke für den tol len Bericht! Ich les dein Blo g immer wieder [...]
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::hook_event() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/plugins/serendipity_plugin_comments/serendipity_plugin_comments.php on line 220
Deprecated: Non-static method serendipity_plugin_api::get_event_plugins() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /www/htdocs/w00a1be8/blog/include/plugin_api.inc.php on line 998
Sat, 19.12.2009 10:18
lach eh bald, aber geduld gedu ld, grad wenn man in hillsboro sitzt sollte [...]